Saturday, 11 February 2017


1. A word meaning the same backward as well as forward~ Palindrome
2.A place where birds are kept~Percussion
3. The last part of speech~ Conclusion
4. A person who is interested in antiques~ Antiquarian
5.An insect which Lays many eggs~ centipede
6.A story that can hardly be believed~ incredible
7.One who walks in sleep~ Somnambulist
8. Women having many husbands at one and the same time~ Polyandrous
9.Action contrary to law~ illegal
10. Murder of father~ Patricide
11. One who deserves pleasure in torturing others~ Sadist
12.In capable of being reached~ Inaccessible
13. One who eats too much~ Glutton 14.Rule by a tyrant person~Dictatorship
15. A medicine which prevent infection by killing germs~Antiseptic
16.A period of 2 weeks~ Fortnight
17.The ceremonial burning of dead body~ Funeral cremation
18.A long distance race~ Marathon 19.Blinding storm of wind and Cyclone near sea shore~ Cyclone
20. Happening once in three years~ Triennial

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